Lost in Story

Hexplore24 — Day 14



Inky wisps

Hazard: 4, local1 — A discovery — but what?

Using HEX ESP2 — Agricultural resource.

Malla finds a domestic crop that's gone wild, but used to be cultivated here.

The sky is overcast, flecked with inky wisps of darker clouds, a meteorological debate brewing above, threatening snow.

As everyone packs up and prepares for the day's journey, Malla studies the local landscape. Once the final adjustments to the mule’s loads are finished, Malla calls over Blain, Satis, and Belus, with Aima following close behind.

Malla is studying the grass quite closely, and beckons all over to take a closer look.

"This is not a wild grass — all that is," she gestures to the rolling grasslands they are traversing, "but in the area here it's different — see? Like our cropgrass at home — it's domesticated."

"What does that mean?" Blain asks.

"It means that people used to farm it near here”.

They all look across the local landscape, but see no signs of the farmers, past or present.


Travel to Hex H07, Pass lost check

The group heads out, crossing the grasslands where two weeks ago Belus and Satis saw the boar.

Rolled an encounter! Beast.

4 ELEPHANTS, 110’ away, no surprise


Malla raises an arm, stopping the group, then points. Four lumbering beasts, grand and grey, long trunks and fan ears, are watching them. The largest shakes its head warily.

“Slowly, go around,” Malla says in a calm voice, directing them to detour past these beasts.

REACTION 9 — uncertain.

The group moves away, Satis and Belus both amazed at these giant creatures watching them.

REACTION 7 — encounter is over.


EVENT DIE: 2, rest

The detour takes them down and around a ridge, extending the route Malla had hoped to follow.

She decides to have them rest while she surveys the land.

It’s getting dark, either we camp or we hike at night.

Malla tells them she’s found a good camp site nearby.

Event — Encounter sign (5)

As the camp is being set up, Blain and Aima, while gathering wood, see what look like figures on horseback watching them from a hilltop.

16 hours of wood gathered

That evening, around the campfire, Malla tells a story about her first ever encounter with the grand animals they saw today — elephants — and how they kept stealing branches she had been trying to build a shelter with.

NIGHT EVENT: local — WEATHER Roll is 10: overcast.

NIGHT WATCH 2: rest, that’s fine MORNING 3 — Deplete.

All sleep fine except Blain.

Everyone sleeps well, except Blain, who keeps waking up, thinking he hears hoof beats and seeing watchful figures.

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  1. The Errant Event / Hazard die, which I discuss in my week 2 overview, is a d6 where each number creates a certain event. A roll of 4 is a “local change” which is up for the GM to interpret, it could be a timer ticking down, a change in weather, etc. I’ve decided to roll for what it is, the options being, 2d6: 2-5: Weather Roll, 6-8: POI Discovery, 9+ Mythic Random Event. Here I roll a POI Discovery

  2. I have a homebrew set of tools that provide what I call Emergent Solo Procedures for finding things. My main tool, and one I used in week 1 for hex discoveries is meant for dungeons. I have since created and am testing a new tool for hexes, which is what I use here. I will create a post explaining each of these tools sometime soon. Of special note, my Hex ESP tool is meant for populated areas, however because the setting of this game is of a region that was populated and now is more empty, I interpret results to either mean the potential is here (like untapped ore, or a perfect location for a future village), or that we are seeing the remains of the discovery.
