Lost in Story

Hexplore24 — Day 23

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Hex K10 Weather: Inclement (sleet) Sky: Azure Billows

The morning brings an end to the snow, with the air feeling warmer. It almost seems to promise a break, but then billows of clouds cover the azure sky, and a cold, semi-frozen sleet rains down.

The camp is in a sort of shock from the attack.

Threats exist, sure, but few thought they were at risk of being pulled, screaming, from their tents into the night, even in a blizzard.

Dawn Event: 2, rest

Everyone takes it easy, exhausted and nursing wounds from the attack. It is agreed that it's a miracle no lives were lost.

AM watch Hazard: 4, local event. 7, Weather re-roll: 9, overcast [-] to the next roll.

The sleet stops, and the sky remains overcast, but with no precipitation. The group hopes to leave as soon as the injured are able to travel, so Yuhtar and Malla take a group to harvest the dead mammoth's meat & ivory.

PM watch Hazard: 1, encounter.

Type? People: A wizard.1

As the Mammoth harvest continues into the afternoon, Malla calls Yuhtar over and points out a lone person walking across the snowy meadow, parallel to them.

"Is that a person? Traveling alone out here?" Malla asks.

Yuhtar squints. "A lone traveler is either mighty powerful, mighty crazy, or both?"

"Should we talk to them?" Malla asks.

Yuhtar, filling his lungs with air, bellows loudly "Hey!" and waves a hand.

The figure pauses, looking at them, then seems to wave them off, turns, and keeps walking the same way as before.2

"I guess they don't want to talk," Yuhtar shrugs.

Malla watches them a while longer, making sure they are not heading towards the campsite, then returns to hacking up the massive carcass.

Dusk watch hazard: 3, depletion

They return to camp, with enough firewood to get through the night and enough meat to last them many days — so long as it stays frozen.

Cooking check: pass.

Belus cooks a feast of Mammoth meat while the butchers clean themselves up as best they can. The meat is wonderful.

Yuhtar fumbles story, but saves so he isn't ridiculed.

Yuhtar tries telling a story of a hunt he once went on, but it is incoherent, and most listeners just focus on the delicious food they are eating, ignoring as he rambles on.

Night watch: 4 local event. A Mythic event.

Move away from thread: Burying peddlers.

That night Belus and Satis decide that, despite their plans to return here in the spring to rebury the dead peddlers they placed in temporary rock-mound graves, given how dangerous this spot has proven to be, they will only return if other travels happen to bring them by. This land is too deadly to visit just to rebury them.3

All but Blain sleep well that night.

Blain keeps waking up thinking he's heard the sound of a Rhagodessa sucker coming to pull him from his tent.

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  1. I started useing the Dolmenwood encounter table, but I felt some of the things it returned were too specific to the Dolmenwood setting, so I switched to the OSE wilderness encounter table. That’s been a good table, but I recently got a copy of The Monster Overhaul, and felt the book seemed like a lot of fun. So this is the first time I’m using it to produce encounters. I switch to using the Monster Overhaul exclusively from here on out (until otherwise noted).

  2. The Monster Overhaul describes wizards are being unconcerned with normal people and focused on their own goals. I rolled up that this wizard was traveling somewhere, so when normal people wave at him he ignores them and keeps walking.

  3. Here Mythic prompts a conversation, enriching my knowledge of these characters and their plans. It also helps push along a minor subplot.
