Lost in Story

Hexplore24 — Day 8

Hot for the season Due to mud from snow melt, grasslands travel will be 3 points.

The morning arrives with a pink mist filling the sky, and as soon as Belus and Satis feel the sun on their faces, they know today is going to be a warm day.

"That means mud," Belus grumbles.

With Goster's permission, they go through the packs of the other peddlers, finding...

Rolling 3d6 to calculate number of rations - 10 Rolling on Mythic Bastionland goods spark table, I get "Secretive Mead" and "Decorated Beasts"

10 rations, various ingredients the group has been collecting to try and create a good mead recipe with local ingredients, and a collection of hand-carved animals they make and sell in and around Beacon.

There is also an old book with mead recipes from the old lands1, and botanical notes - this is what has led them to travel so far from Beacon - as they are searching for a berry that grows inland, or at least did, one hundred years ago.

Belus and Satis take the book & rations and let Goster pack what he wants of the other items.

Then they hike back towards Beacon.

The melting snow and mud slow down their progress. But, they manage to cover the distance they hope and are camping just 2 days from Beacon — if they push themselves.

Spent travel points, camping in H10. Pass with no encounters. Goster forages 5 rations of plants. Belus cooks them poorly, though they are still edible. Satis passes story check. No night encounter.

As they hike, Goster stays mostly quiet, though he does at times show them plants he & the peddlers have learned, gathering enough food for 5 rations by the day's end.

The sky has violet pillars of clouds as it darkens, and they manage to gather 8 hours of firewood and make camp. Goster has his own bedroll and tent, which they set up next to their own.

Belus cooks dinner over the fire, though poorly - it is at least edible.

After Satis tells a Myth she learned as a young girl about an eagle that lost a bet with a spirit and became trapped as a snake, Goster and Belus enjoy it, though in a subdued manner.

That night Satis sleeps soundly, but a blister on Belus's foot causes him to not rest as well as he'd hoped.

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  1. I rolled on a spark table, got “Secretive Mead”, and now we know these peddlers are trying to create mead locally, which implies a lot about the micro-economy in and around Beacon. I had been wondering why these Peddlers were out here, and now the dice give me a wonderful answer. Maybe Goster will one day brew the Mead his companions lost their lives trying to make.
