Lost in Story

Hexplore24 — Day 26

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Hex K12, outside the town of Owsage.

Weather: Overcast

Morning comes with the storm passed. Clouds in the sky reveal pale blue flecked with rusted wisps.

Yesterday's travel was fierce, and all are glad to be in the relative safety and shelter of Owsage's entrance — the giant cavern that easily fits their campsite within its main area.

Blain meets with Mahbe, Aima, Rahn, Belus, and Satis.

Do Mahbe or Rahn know about Owsage? -4 unlikely: NO

Rahn explains, "I've known there are towns out here, even that some are underground, but I don't know anything specific about Owsage. Much like the Afah, these lands are obscure in Praan."

"Why live underground?" Satis asks. "How do they grow food?"

"They may trade for it," Blain says, "assuming they have good resources to mine."

"No need to sell goods if you kidnap for ransom — just use that cash to buy food," Aima suggests.

Does the Owsage boss keep them waiting? No

They hear the sound of about two dozen people approach, many carrying weapons — though they look tired to Aima, It is clear they are there to look threatening, not because they feel threatened by these travelers.

Let's meet the group's leader, is this the boss-man himself? Yes

Is the Ransom Messenger here? Yes

Are they human? Yes

Are the witches with them? Yes.

Are the witches in good health? Extreme yes, that's nice.

Who is this boss?

"Trendy Drab" "Survival Urban" " Ruffian Planner" "Careful Arrogant"

Motivation: "Loyalty Business"

Name: Goz Rengo

Reaction roll is 8 - neutral

Blain, with Aima by his side, walks out to meet the Owsagians, and their Boss, Goz Rengo, comes to greet Blain.

Goz is by far the best dressed of this group, though Blain can notice his clothing has been patched and is a bit worn.

Standing next to and a bit behind Goz is the messenger whose arrival to Beacon over a week ago led to the ransom crisis and Blain asking to go on this rescue mission.

"You bring a sizeable group," Goz begins, "so many travelers to collect these four."

Blain had been wondering how their size would be perceived. He also wasn't sure how much to reveal about nearly half the group being Prannites.

"We thank you for your hospitality, the storms have been rough. Yes, we are a large group, but only so we can best brave the challenges of those lands." Blain replies.

Reaction: 6

Ransom Messenger's name is Onvah

Goz frowns. "I hope you still had room for the collector's fee Onvah informed you of?"

Blain smiles, "Yes, and more - I hope we can continue our partnership by establishing trade between Beacon and Owsage. Today we have mammoth meat we are willing to sell, and can provide other goods and foods throughout the year — assuming you have valuables or goods we are interested in?" Blain finishes, waiting to see how Goz will respond.

4 - Bad.

"Mammoth meat? Owsage has been just fine long before your little campsite washed up on the shore, and has nothing to prove to you. Pay us the fee and leave. I am bored of this." Goz replies.

Blain is taken aback, and tries to recover, "of course, Aima will bring it now — I just wanted to show you how we might find a mutually beneficial way to co-exist, but if you want for nothing I understand it is foolish for me to ask."

Reaction: 9 - positive.

What's Goz's motivation? Mythic says:" Help loss"

FC: Help needed inside Owsage? Extreme Yes

Fc: Help killing something? Yes

FC: Goz know what it is? Yes

Rolled that it is a protoplasm Ooze

Goz gets a slight smile on his face. "I'll consider talking trade, but only if your team here helps me with a problem. Some of our lower levels have been claimed by a... a thing that my team isn't interested in killing. You lot kill it, I'll talk possible trade relations."

Aima arrives with a small heavy chest that Malla, Belus, and Satis have never seen before. It contains the ransom, and she presents it to Goz, who has Onvah come inspect it.1

Blain replies to the job offer, "Thank you — I will check, but I believe we can help you with this pest — though we need to know more first — can we get more details?"

Goz agrees — he will send someone later to explain.

In the meantime, Blain's group is to camp here — Owsage is not open to them unless they are pursuing the pest.

Onvah announces the ransom is in full and the Witches Four are brought over as Goz, Onvah, and their guards, turn and head back into Owsage.

Back in camp there is some debriefing to do.

The witches four, named Corlin, Seter, Tala, and Anna are all in fine shape.2 Their time in Owsage was more boredom than anything else. Owsage, they report, is a sad and mostly empty place, a population of a few hundred in the remnants of a cavernous town that could house thousands.

Goz Rengo is not the town's true leader — but he is the effective leader, his gang runs the place and maintains their version of law and order.3

As Blain & the others thought, the economy is poor and food is always scarce, with the exception of a foul tasting algae Owsage can grow in some of the lower caverns.

Later, a farmer named Rahlit comes to tell them about the infestation — an ooze that is made of magic or spirit. It seems to resist damage, can pass through walls, and has cut off access to a whole complex of farming caves.

Corlin the witch asks if anyone has tried magical attacks - Rahlit has no idea, not that he knows of. Corlin tells him it will take them a full day to prepare.

Then Corlin gathers Malla, Belus, Satis, Blain, Aima, Mahbe, Angor, and the other witches.

"If the description is correct," Corlin explains, "We will need magic to defeat this entity."

"Why fight it at all? Why help these sad people?" Seter the witch asks.

"So that what happened to you," Blain explains "won't happen to any Beaconites again."

"We have seven magic users," Satis adds, "that's a powerful number — if we plan and attune smartly, we should be able to take on a foe like this."

"Yes," Corlin agrees. "We can prepare. We can also use this time to learn more of Owsage. I for one will not tolerate them being a thorn in our sides any longer."

So the group gets to planning.

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  1. Interpreting simple 2d6 reaction rolls, along with a few fate questions, allowed me to create a tense negotiation ending with a quest hook. It is really cool how these simple tools can guide me to take the story context and push it forward in ways I find unpredictable and realistic.

  2. We met these witches all the way back on day 4. Then on day 12 we learned they had been taken hostage. Today, we meet them again, and get to know their names.

  3. As explained yesterday, the town’s details are taken from community tags I randomly picked from Worlds Without Number.
