Lost in Story

Hexplore24 — Day 27

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Hex K12, Town of Owsage

Light snow. Bloodied rays

Camping in a safe outskirt of a town, the characters are in a form of downtime. I am not rolling the travel hazard die.

Today we will learn about the plan they are coming up with, and any magic users who need to attune with new magic will.

That means we get to learn more about the type of magic each Witch uses.

Corlin: "Free heal" "others weather" - others weather can do elemental damage.

Seter: "Enhance chemical" "Break Death" - Enhance chemical can amplify damage caused by chemicals, Break death can turn undead, though we do not expect to face undead.

Tala: "Enemies Control" "Ranged Curse" - Ranged curse is like magic missile I think. Enemies Control is like charm person, but that won't help against an ooze.

Anna: "Explosion Reveal" "Restore Helpful" - Restore Helpful can be healing.

Manbe is a classic OSE Magic user. He can attune to Magic missile.

Angor is an illusionist. He can attune to chromatic Orb, ruby red version.

Satis lacks purely offensive spells - but her "vapor form" spell is a good choice from a tactical standpoint.

A blood-red sunrise fades as snow begins to lightly fall outside the entrance cavern of Owsage. Within it, the group rests and prepares for their mission. Each magic user spends it meditating and attuning to their magic.1 Tomorrow they will hunt a strange and dangerous beast in the depths of Owsage.

All anticipate tomorrow's trial.

← Yesterday | Index | Tomorrow →

  1. In Whitehack, magical characters can cast spells multiple times, though each casting costs them some hp. They can also know more than one spell, but can only have one spell active per slot at a time. All of these characters are level 2, so only have 1 slot. This means they each need to spend a day attuning to whatever new spell they have chosen to use for tomorrow’s mission.
